Oxy-Powder from Global Healing Center Review

Oxy-Powder review from Global Healing Center

If you have been dealing with unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms lately such as bloating, gas or constipation, it might be time for a colon cleanse.

After getting sick earlier this year, my GI tract never really got back to its old self. Eventually, I realized that I was going to need to get more proactive about it, which is when my research led me to Oxy-Powder, a natural colon cleanse product made by the Global Healing Center.

I became interested in it because of its simple, straightforward, natural ingredients, plus plenty of glowing reviews online. After I asked around, I also learned one of my friends had tried it, and recommended it. I had also heard good things about other Global Healing Center supplements.

So, I ended up giving it a try. In this Oxy-Powder review, I’m going to explain exactly what to expect from this colon cleanse product. I’ll go over the ingredients, the effectiveness, and the pros and cons so you can decide for yourself if you want to try it.

what is the oxy-powder colon cleanse?

What is Oxy-Powder?

Oxy-Powder is a colon cleanse product that contains all-natural ingredients. It is designed to help remove toxins from your digestive tract and get things moving again if you are constipated.

The product comes in the form of capsules. You can either purchase 60 capsules or 120 capsules at a time.

How does it work? According to Global Healing, it releases oxygen when it reacts with the acids in your digestive tract. This in turn softens impaction in your colon, thus the name “Oxy” Powder. The company states that they derived their inspiration for their product from Nikola Tesla.

About Global Healing Center

You might be curious about the company that makes Oxy-Powder. Global Healing Center was founded by Dr. Edward Group, DC in 1998. In the beginning, the company had only two employees, but today, it is a renowned international brand with a focus on natural wellness products.

What Ingredients Does Oxy-Powder Contain?

One of the great things about Oxy-Powder is that it does not contain a bunch of fillers, binders or additives. In fact, there are just two active ingredients and four ingredients total. All of these ingredients are safe and natural.

Here are the ingredients contained in one serving of Oxy-Powder, which is 4 capsules:

  • Magnesium (from ozonated magnesium oxides): 1,400mg
  • Natural citric acid (from tapioca): 90mg
  • Vegetarian capsule (cellulose)
  • Organic gum acacia

How to Take

The serving size for Oxy Powder is 4 capsules. At least 2 hours after your last meal of the day, take 4 capsules with a glass of water.

This should ideally result in having 3-5 bowel movements the following day. If that happens, you can either continue taking it like this 2-3 times a week, or you can stop and just use it as needed.

What if you do not have 3-5 bowel movements after the first day? Then you should keep taking Oxy Powder nightly. But every night, increase by 2 capsules. You can stop increasing the amount after you achieve the 3-5 bowel movements.

Does Oxy-Powder Work?

I took Oxy-Powder because I was experiencing painful constipation. In fact, it was so painful that my doctor mistook the colon pain for ovarian cysts, and made me get a pelvic ultrasound (no fun at all).

I was getting temporary improvements by drinking lots of prune juice, but then things would just go back to the way they were a few days or weeks later. I was getting really sick of it, so I figured it was time for a new approach.

So does it really work? After having tried this natural colon cleanse, I can confirm that yes, it really does.

I got the initial results I was looking for right off the bat with the first dose. It cleared out my initial blockage within a day. I didn’t have to increase by 2 capsules.

Because I was tired of having ongoing issues with constipation, however, I decided to keep taking it a couple times a week as recommended.

I did this for several months. During that time, I experienced constipation much less frequently, and less painfully too. And on the occasions when it did show up, it was gone after my next dose.

I stopped taking Oxy-Powder once I stopped getting new constipation episodes. I am pleased to report that they have not come back. I also find that I am feeling better than I have in a while, more energetic and alert.

Key Benefits

  • Oxy Powder is safe, natural, and non-habit-forming. You can use it for as long as you need it (even long-term use is okay).
  • This product is very effective at clearing out blockages and supporting healthy digestive function.
  • Along with improving digestive health, Oxy Powder may enhance your energy levels and boost your overall wellness.
  • While you may experience more looseness than is comfortable in your stools at the start, your digestive system will adjust. After the first day or so, this side effect should go away. If it doesn’t, it just means you need to take less.
  • Oxy Powder is manufactured by a reputable company that follows strict quality control practices.

Potential Warnings

  • While most people can use this oxygenated colon cleanse, you should take note that it is only suitable for adults.
  • For some people, the recommended dose is overkill. You may need to take less. Though to be fair, that’s almost a benefit, since once you know that, you can just take the dose you need and stretch the product further.

Tips for Success

Oxy-Powder works best if you take it in conjunction with eating a nutritious, balanced diet, and getting regular exercise. You should also be drinking plenty of water every day.

It is also useful to know that the directions for this product can be modified in some ways to fit your needs. For example, it is totally okay to use Oxy Powder in the morning instead of before bed, if that syncs up better with your digestive patterns. You also can take it with regular water instead of purified water if that is all you have access to.

Where to Get the Oxy-Powder Colon Cleanse Supplement

oxy-powder colon cleanse supplement

Oxy-Powder colon cleanse is a safe, natural product that can help clear your digestive blockages and support your overall health and energy. If you are ready to give it a try, click the link below to order now.

Order at Global Healing Order From Amazon